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Thursday, August 10, 2006

Raw Shock Value

This is my first real blog entry. The fact is, until recently, I thought a lot about journaling, writing, or generally creating something worth publishing, but never just sat down and did it.

Call it a mid-year’s resolution.

Clearly, the most important aspect of the Blog — and I’m speaking here about the concept of Blogs in general, not mine specifically — is the catchy name. All the best blogs have them. In the last twenty four hours, every major news outlet in America has covered the grassroots blogging phenomena that seems to have helped Ned Lamont wrest the favor of the Democratic Party in Connecticut from Joe "I really did vote for him" Lieberman. What blog did every newscast include in their coverage? "My Left Nutmeg.Com". If that don’t prove it’s all about the name, I don’t know what does. Ha. A Democratic (aka "left") blog about Connecticut (aka "The Nutmeg State"). A smarmy dick joke. Ha, Ha. Seriously, that’s a good title. I wish I’d thought of it. Or had something important enough to say about left-end politics in Connecticut that I needed that title.

The Title. It must be topical yet clever, edgy but palatable, but most of all it must have one trait above all others.

A fourteen year old boy must find it amusing.

Wait, no, that’s not it. Very valid, but not it.

It must be available.

There are, scientifically speaking, several metric assloads of blogs out there. Everyone puts some kind of clever title on them, or at least tries to. Sadly, there’s only so many times an idea can be original. Specifically, that number of times is one. So odds are, somewhere around the third Blog ever created, names started repeating, and therefore sort of sucked.

So here I am with a new blog. Gotta have a title. Hmmmm. I’m a clever guy. Got me a website with a clever name ( Got a blog that I intend to create with some semblance of synergy with the website. What the hell do I call it? Second, how many other chucklesacks have already come up with the same clever name?

Side note- a couple of months ago I was thinking about an old roommate when a co-worker began quoting a recent cult-status movie. The two topics began interbreeding in my head like some filthy nature show about snow leopards and deisel mechanics, and the resulting thought was one of pure genius: A blaxploitation film featuring a nerd with serious social issues.

Napoleon Dolemite.

“Hot bitches like a guy with tetherball skills. The Man’s gonna get some numchucks in his face, and when we’re done, his lips’ll hurt.”

Then I went to the age-old deflator of egos: Google. Fourteen trillion people already had the same idea. I suck.

End of side note.

Rorschach Value.

How the hell does nobody else have this one locked in? It’s pronounced “Raw Shock Value"! (Honestly!) It even fits the inkblot theme on my website! And nobody else has used it yet. Either it’s such a craptacular name that nobody, not even a blogger on a 386 in West Virginia has used it, it’s so obscure that only a New Yorker editor would get it, or I’m a friggin’ genius.

Bitches like a guy with good Blog naming skills.

But don’t expect anything too radical here. It’s just about having a good name.


Blogger Alotta Errata said...

Welcome to the great blogosphere, doubling in size ever 200 days.

6:08 PM


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