Sister blog to Thoughts and news on the current state of Sean Fletcher, a guy whom statistics in general would prove is not likely to be someone you’ve actually met. Then again, why else would you be here? Proof that the internet is inherently ironic.

Saturday, March 31, 2007

End of the Road (trip)

Once upon a time, we drove through Montana.

There was a fire.

It burned up a thirty mile stretch of I-90 about 80 miless west of Billings. We discovered this as it was happening when a handful of Montana State Troopers stopped us on the highway... about 65 miles west of Billings.

So, as it were, and with there being only three exits along the entire Montana stretch of I-90, we wound up visiting Billings twice in one night; once when we stopped for dinner, and once travelling back east, since the proposed detour route circumnavigating the fire wound around 340 miles of that absolute Godforsaken worthlessness otherwise referred to as Montana. The plan was to be at the hotel in Butte by about 9:00 that evening. We actually rolled in somewhere closer to 2:30 AM.

Suffice it to say that we have nothing kind to say about Montana, and have no intention of ever visiting it again.

And, with that, I cop out and shortcut us to the end of the story. We made it to Seattle one day after Montana. The end.

Funny how crap like that will just kill all desire to blog. Okay, fine, maybe someday I'll wrap the rest of the tale up, but not today. Hell, it's been seven months since my last entry on this blog. Anyone who got this far wasn't reading it at the start.

If I could type the sound of a raspberry, I would. On to other blogworthy crap...


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